View From My Bed
Cans, aluminum cans, Dr. Pepper cans everywhere. The nightstand, the dresser, the bookshelf, and obviously the floor. It’s my drug of choice and flows through my veins. In fact I love it so much that it caused me...
Currently Historically Speaking America
It’s hard to learn about history and not feel anything in your heart about your own country. In fact I did not choose to be born here—I could have been born anyone, to any country. But I was born here, in the...
View from the Bookstore Chair
When you’re unemployed and you want to leave your couch for a while honestly there are a bunch of things you could do. If you really really think about it what’s stopping you besides the law I guess. And even then,...
The View From The Couch
I’m coming up on my year of unemployment. I had a legitimate reason for quitting–that follow your dreams idea. The only problem is, my dream didn’t actually pan out. You know, it was my first try....
Fucking Introduction
“Kids” these days means no retirement, broke, no house, debt. We’re just trying to get by. To be honest I got the name “FineSorts” because I had this vision of an etsy page. I made...