Pretty sure no one reads this god damn thing so I’m gonna write some shit yo.


Ahhhhh RuPaul is on Broad City!!!! Broad City + RPDR is like fucking delicious.


And Illiana is talking to a piece of foil as a life coach and inspiration which is not what a sane person would do and that is fucking right up my ally right now HOOOOOOOOOOO!


I missed a dose of meds because my psychiatrist is a full on cunt so I’m trying to straightened out but it’s gonna take some hours.


A few days ago my mother and father texted me a quote from Hitler and called it the mantra for the DNC. Knowing full well I’m liberal AND an historian! (minored in it ya’ll) So that made me real upset so I bought a pair of 380$ shoes and champagne flavored gummy bears.


We are all gonna die.

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