Social media has made the world a much smaller place. At this moment I’m twitching with anger and want to yell fuck really loud.
I joined a little group through an app for people whom I intended to have things in common with. But nothing is ever that easy is it? I’d like to think I’m a bigger person but holy shit, after so much bullshit my skin feels paper-thin.
I wish I could say I respected anyone under 25—I don’t. If that makes me a douche then so be it. Call me a douche but stop talking to me also. Just stop.
There are beautiful young people who are doing remarkable things we see on tv for the greater good of society. I’m not talking about those kids. I’m obviously not talking to them.
I didn’t even last ten days. I could have exploded. I could have lost my fucking mind (I did that once and only once—trump election year—that shit could not be stopped).
Anyways, the app is deleted. And I weirdly let 16 year olds piss me off. Why? Why did I do that? Will I be left behind? Can I just read a book? Can I just not snapchat—cuz I don’t. Idk, I guess being a Nihilist means who fucking cares? I mean I still want to slap, punch, and kick those people but I’ll just meditate lay on the ground.