Year of Peace for Everyone
I hate America. That’s right—I said it. What’s happening to the lgbtq community is insane. And I don’t know what to do about it. What can I do about it? Stand on a street corner with a sign? Cast a spell? Okay,...
You know when you get a rejection letter for a piece and then weeks later they send out a congrats to the winners. Like I don’t want to know any more about this person who won! It sure as fuck wasn’t me. I’m...
Don’t Read This
Here is a hesitant hello to the readers. If you’re a family member of mine, congratulations. You’ve found a bit of me that you might not otherwise experience. It’s a bit of everything here. Funny, sad, deep,...
Whenever I Eat Candy
Whenever I eat candy, I usually give some to my dog. Now I know people will say that’s bad. Sure, okay, maybe, BUT how else will he taste something so insane to his senses? I admit my reasoning for many things in...