New Year, Not so New Me
I’ve been thinking about this blog; I’ve been doing it for years. And I get why people just stop posting and let it sit. Life gets bigger. There doesn’t seem to be enough time or desire fades. I don’t write...
Past Living
It’s the end of the month and I feel like I don’t have much to say. I don’t think anyone is reading this much anyway. Little bit of writers block…my Ritalin is expired…I’m still going to take it—fuck it ya know. My...
So I haven’t had a steady job since the end of 2019. It isn’t a problem money wise, I get that. But I fear, I fear of becoming obsolete. “Amor Fati- Love your fate” “What horrifies me most is the idea of being...
Too Feelsy
I’m re-reading my favorite book The Catcher in the Rye, I even got the damn quote tattooed on me a few weeks ago. It always gets me in my feels and I sort of go in and out of reality a bit. I do that anyways...
This is my Outlet
TW: suicide A couple of days ago I received two rejection letters not an hour apart. Rejection letters are a thing of their own kind. Singularly painful and yet vague and unassuming. I’ve gotten them multiple times...