These men, they make me not want to live anymore
They preach and preach like I’m some kind of whore
I’m a person, with bone and flesh just like them
A person alone in my chest and shirt hem
Slit my wrists for me
Yeah, another girl down
Some nasty sprite I could have been
Some nasty whore weighing over 200
Why should I even deserve to live?
What man should waste their time?
I’m a low value woman
Not worth the climb
Many steps down in fact
What was my husband thinking?
To sustain such a woman, loving and kind
But what about my waistline
What about my poisonous influence?
What am I costing his wallet?
I don’t make him dinner
I speak my mind
My desirability declines
I’m a woman, I’m dumber
I’m smaller and meek
I don’t deserve equal pay, equal rights, equal time
Just further the man’s line
Only speak when spoken to
Lean on the kitchen and laundry
Men first in the country
The provider, whose dick needs to be ridden
If not respected…
Put down and listen
Men shout to men, and the lies continue
The flies pile on us, we’re dead
Dead in mansions, dead in the street
Keep us helpless, keep us beat
This is a man
A man of high worth
It’s their truth since birth
But me, I’m buried under the dirt
Suffocating and wondering how short is my skirt